Admission Requirement
Qualifications of Prospective Students
General Qualifications
Eligible applicants must have qualifications as specified in the Thai University Central Admission System by AUPT. They must also have qualifications as specified by Mahidol University, that is, have Thai nationality and identification number, adhere to the Constitutional Monarchy, never cheat or collude in cheating in examinations in schools or entrance examinations to institutions in all levels, never have been expelled from any institution due to any non-academic misconduct or wrongdoing.
Educational Qualifications
Applicants for Bachelor of Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, must graduate from a secondary school with a cumulative GPA of not lower than 2.75.
Specific Qualifications
Applicants for Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science Program must be in good health and free from diseases, symptoms, or disabilities that are hindrances to education, practice, and carrying out medical/nursing career as follows:
1. Severe mental disorders that can be harmful to themselves and/or others such as psychotic disorders, mood disorders, severe neurotic disorders, personality disorders, especially antisocial personality disorders or borderline personality disorder including other mental disorders that are hindrances to education, work, and carrying out a nursing career.
2. Communicable diseases at the period of communicability that can be harmful to themselves, patients, or result in permanent disability that is a hindrance to education, practice, and carrying out a nursing career
3. On-communicable diseases or conditions that are hindrances to education, practice, and carrying out a nursing career
4. Physical disabilities that can be hindrances to education, practice, and carrying out a nursing career
5. Vision problems with at least one of the following symptoms:
5.1 Severe color blindness on both eyes after thorough examination
5.2 Visual acuity of the normal eye is lower than 6/12 or 20/40
5.3 Hearing loss of both ears with average hearing ability at a range of 500-2,000 Hz over 40 dB and speech discrimination score less than 70% due to sensorineural hearing loss.
5.4 Any diseases or disabilities other than specified above that a medical committee who perform physical examination agree that it shall be a hindrance to education, practice, and carrying out a nursing career in which Dean of the Faculty of Nursing may appoint specialists of a particular disease or case to carry out additional examination.
Any qualifications other than specified above that may be a hindrance to education, practice, and carrying out nursing career shall be at the discretion of the entrance examination committee of each curriculum whose decision is final.
After graduation, all nursing students are eligible to work at government sectors with the contract with the University in order to work in exchange for paid tuition fees (for further information:
Duration of study
The duration of study for this program is 4 years, composed of 8 regular semesters.
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