Our main strength lies in academic field. According to 2022 data of QS World University Rankings for Nursing, Mahidol University ranked 1st comparing to other universities in Thailand and also ranked 11th in Asia. In the world Ranking, we ranked 101-150th.
We have also been widely accepted in Thailand and South East Asian region as one of the best institute that has been producing quality graduates and scholars since the founding day of our institute, especially in the field of health science. |
The quality of our curriculum is assured by the fact that this program is a result of the collaborative effort between the Faculty of Nursing, Ramathibodi School of Nursing, and our partnership with schools in foreign universities. This is the poof that our program has met international standards. Despite that, our tuition fee is on the level which could be considered a good cost for this level of education. |
Our students are internationalized
We have collaboration with many institutions in foreign countries as partnership schools. This enabled us and our partner institute to launch many collaborative projects, such as students exchange program, thesis development program. We also invite renowned professors from institutes with exceptional academic records to come and hold a seminar, give lectures, hold workshop sessions, and be advisors for research project of our students. We also support our students to participate in international conferences, creating network between our students with international scholars; thus, ensuring the international standard for our curriculum. |
The current partnership schools include:
- University of Wollongong
- University of Alberta
United States of America
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Michigan
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- University of Illinois (Chicago)
Asia-Pacific Alliance
- International University
Hong Kong
- The University of Hong Kong
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- St. Luke's College of Nursing
- Osaka Prefecture University
- University of Health Sciences
- Kaohsiung Medical University
- National Cheng Kung University
- Tzu Chi University
- National Taiwan University
- University of Indonesia
Our concern is with the environment, your learning environment.
Mahidol University has determined to develop Salaya Campus into a "green campus" providing favorable environment for learning along with creating social awareness and responsibility within every MU members as well as communities around the campus. Environment of the campus including campus landscape, traffic circulation system and infrastructural service has been prominently developed. For example, we provide pathways on the campus for walking, cycling, and public transport as well as outdoor space to support various kinds of activities and gatherings.
Our Faculty of Nursing has won premium “Green Office” award for energy conservation and waste recycling and management.
Moreover, to promote good health among students and faculty personnel, exercise equipment and open spaces for aerobic exercise are also facilitated.
From aesthetic perspective, we also take great pride in our Mahidol Adulyadej-Phra Sri Nagarindra Building. In the year 2014, the design of the building was among the 4 public buildings which were the nominated by The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage to receive Citation Award. And it is, indeed, deserve such honor. This building was designed with the concept of good quality of life as the first priority. |


To sum it up, the Mahidol Adulyadej-Phra Sri Nagarindra Building was designed with the outdoor area that would be practical for nursing students' life. It is designed for them to live and partake in activities together with each other so that they could improve their live, while the courtyard would help them improve their souls. This is a modern building, but its design is deeply inspired by Thai and Buddhist culture, and with the happiness of the dweller as its main purpose, like the Faculty of Nursing, which aims to produce a student who will grow in to a valuable member of society, with good attitude and also always care and value the life of the others.