Faculty of Nursing | Mahidol University |  
About us

The Department of Fundamental Nursing consists of 19 qualify faculty members and a department clerk. There are 12 associate professors, 4 assistant professors, and 3 lecturers. Six of them are doctoral prepared and thirteen master prepared (updated July 1, 2008).

Vision :

The Fundamental Nursing Department is one of national and international leading in fundamental nursing, gerontological nursing and nursing management and with an emphasis on promoting health for the elderly.


  1. Provide education in bachelor, master, and nursing special programs  in gerontological nursing and nursing management.
  2. Promote and support teaching and research in fundamental nursing,  gerontological nursing and nursing management in order to build up knowledge based.
  3. Provide academic services for professional nurses and community emphasizing continuous life-long learning and promoting health for society.
  4. Provide academic services emphasizing continuous life-long learning for elder population
  5. Establish networking for education, research and other academic activities of gerontological nursing and nursing management at the national and international levels.
  6. Promote and support activities including preserve Thai arts and culture, religion, sport and environment.



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