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    Thai Policeman Healthy Project

          Thai Policeman Healthy Project belongs to Department of Medical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University with the aim to improve police officers’ health in Thailand. Academic service focuses on health promotion and prevention of chronic illness, chronic disease management, and complication prevention. There are 3 main police stations that the Department of Medical Nursing has involved in the projects; Bangkok Noi, Bangkoonnoon, and Bangyeekan police stations. Providers are faculty members in the Department of Medical Nursing, Baccalaureate students, and Master degree students. Services include basic health assessment and individual knowledge provision according to the symptoms and blood test result. Moreover, research projects were implemented so as to evaluate and continuously improve the Thai Policeman Healthy Project. After the project implementation in the year of 2017, the outcome is favorable because the trend of police officers’ health in chronic illnesses management has improved.










             Faculty of Nursing, 2 Pran-Nok Road, Bangkok-Noi, Bangkok 10700 THAILAND.
             © 2010 Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University. All rights reserved. contact webmaster:nswww@mahidol.ac.th