Abstracts may be submitted electronically by October 31, 2019 on any topic related to the theme of the conference as listed*
- Title
- The title must be concise. Capitalize the first letter of the first word and all other words except prepositions, conjunctions, and articles. Do not use acronyms, abbreviations, and initials in a title.
- Author
- Presenting author’s full contact details should be provided (address, e-mail, phone-fax number, degree, and current position).
- Abstract
- must be in English and should not exceed 300 words and keyword 3 words
- abstract must be typed in Times New Roman font size 12 with single spacing and
must fit within the box.
- type of abstract should be made clear (e.g., poster, oral presentation, or panel presentation)
- abstract submissions should clearly state objective (s) of the research, methods, data analyses (if applicable), results, and conclusion.
Oral Presentation Guidelines
- The Scientific Committee will invite authors of selected papers to make an oral presentation at the concurrent session.
- Specific information on oral presentations will be communicated to the authors of the selected papers in the Notification of Acceptance by October 31, 2019.
- Authors should acknowledge any conflicts of interest/source of funding in the oral or poster presentations.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
- Poster presenters will be provided with a poster board to display their poster
(approximately 48” high x 36” wide or 121.9 cm high x 91.4 cm wide).
- Exact specifications for poster presentations will be included in the Notification of Acceptance.
- Poster presenters are requested to be present during the poster sessions to discuss their poster. Please take note of the poster set-up and removal schedules.
- Poster presenters should use Velcro tapes to fix the poster onto the poster board. The tapes will be provided at the Conference.
- Please note that the organizers will not be liable for any damage or loss to the posters.
- Authors should acknowledge any conflicts of interest/source of funding in the oral or poster presentations.
For Abstract Submission: nsncd2020@mahidol.ac.th