The project of “Sex Education for Teens” aims at enhancing correct knowledge of, and proper attitude towards sex and relationships, as well as needed skills among teenagers in schools.  With the provision of this education, they can make informed choices about their behavior, and feel confident and competent about acting on these choices.  Consequently, these teenagers can protect themselves against abuse, exploitation, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.
   Daycare business is fast growing in Bangkok community. However, the quality of those daycare centers, especially in terms of caring for the children, has still been inadequate. In collaboration with Foundation for Slum Child Care, the Center has provided health assessment service to children attending the private daycare centers at crowded communities in Bangkok. The main services include developmental screening, physical assessment, and advice.
   A free day-time hotline run during Monday - Friday by the Center in collaboration with Pediatric Nurses Society of Thailand provides information on raising children, advice and guidance for dealing with health and child rearing problems.

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Contact us:  Assoc.Prof. Tassanee Prasopkittikun
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